Minggu, 20 April 2014


Well, you've seen it already. It's my 22 birthday, so,happy birthday to me and happy easter too guys~ It's already 6 AM here. if i'm not mistaken i was born at 2 PM. Well, you know, 22, mmmm, yeah, 22, i just can't explain~ It's a long way. There's a hard times and good times, but from 21 to 22 it's like the hardest part of my life, i feel so sensitive, depress, immature, irresponsible, unaware, all those negativity feeling deep down inside. I feel blessed too because at this time, it's like even in a hard times, every pray, every wish and hope, God has granted for me, whether it takes time or not. It just makes me realized that, whatever happen to me, there's always a way to solve it. Honestly, i'm not a rich kid. My family not from a high level nor a low one, i think we were in the middle one, sometimes they can afford our needs, sometimes they don't too. as a fact, i'm the spoiled one. everything that i want, i must get it right away, never care how much the price is. anything. even it's a toys, games, dolls, gadgets. anything, they will get it for me, sometimes they give it to me directly, sometimes they need time to get it, but i know they will give it to me sooner or later, everytime since a lil' if i don't get something the way i want it to be, i'll be angry right away. i won't talk, won't eat, i'll do anything to get something that i want. there was a time when i wanted a toys but my mom won't buy that for me, and i stayed at the toys shop until the next morning, i won't back to my home, i stayed there 'till i get what i want and then the next morning my auntie pick me up and bought the toys for me. such a jerk, right ? Even 'till now, they still spoiled me, even i have a lil sister which is better than me, smart, never ask anything, she is more behave than me. they still do the same. So, after U life, and some friends of mine having a money probs with their parents and i realized that i'm soooooooo lucky. As i said before, i never understand the value of money, all i did was, just asked and i get it, i never understand how hard my parents works, NEVER, seriously. I finally know that when i get in university. And last year i have some problems and i can't deal it on my own, i can't ask nor tell everyone. All i wanna do just cry and if suicide it's not a sin, i prefer to do it at that moment. That's way i'm depress and mentally ill. And someone told me to pray as long as i could, ask god anything what i want and she told me "everything happened because a reason, maybe God wants something from you, or God miss you, since you've been lost so long~", and it touch my heart, almost everyday everyhour i cried~ , step by step i deal it on my own, but God shows me there's always a way and help, God help by other people kindness, sometimes i get a good flow, sometimes i don't, i cried and wonder why God do this to me? what is He planning for me? at the end, you'll never know what will happened to you tommorow, every wishes, every pray, every hope, God granted for me. God shows me many things that i never take a chance to look for, how much my parents care about me, how many friends that really care about you, how to think and do positively, etc. I'm already ok right now, but deep down inside, my life is hanging around, I just wanna point it out, that, just don't be such a jerk, if you feel lonely, depress, or something. just talk to your family or someone you could trust, if you think they can't solve it, but a lil bit makes you feel better. trust me, or you can talk to me too if you want, as long as i can help, May God give me a way, and i will. And last don't forget to pray too, never under estimate the power of pray. God will always help you, there's 3 ways, God give you what you want directly, God gives you what you want but takes time, and last God gives you something better. Live your life happily and promise me, do good, ok? -J

Rabu, 11 September 2013


Bersyukur itu terkadang berat lho.
gak cuma ikhlas aja yg berat tp bersyukur juga, mungkin lo ngrasa udah bersyukur dengan ucapin alhamdulillah, tp dalem hati lo? ikut bersyukur ga?
kita bisa bilang Alhamdulillah, tapi hati ini paling ga bisa bohong, pasti aja ada mau nya lagi.

Senin, 09 September 2013


ini bener" namanya mental breakdown.
ga ngerti lg mau gimana atau mau apa.
yg d omongin cuma bisa tinggal omongan. 
jatoh. hancur. pecah. lemes. ga tau apa lagi.
no joke, no laugh. only cries.
harder than you've ever thought .
can't tell anybody.
i just wonder how anyone else can survive with this feeling easily.
mungkin beda kondisi makanya mereka bisa.
sumpah nambah beban inget kelakuan sendiri sama yg kmaren.
apa yg mau dibilang ?
apa yg mau dikasih tau?
ga ada .
ga bisa .
frightening bgt .

Jumat, 05 Agustus 2011

have you ever thought being alone when u're OLD ??

have you ever thought being alone when u're OLD ??

Answer here

Sabtu, 30 Juli 2011


annyeong annyeong. . . .

It's been forever since last update .
Actually i'm at 'AsliPrima' bus , almost bored to death and i can't sleep and there's so many reason too

sleepy tired sad happy confuse curious anger comin' and comin'

update later ok , after sena arrive at jakarta.

Selasa, 19 April 2011


hahahaha .
kasian ih w .
sendirian .
dikamar dengerin lagu geje .
>.< cisss , najis bgt~~
sedih bneer bgini .
pgn pulang cepet2 .
gini nih syndrome mau pulang .
gk konsen belajar .
bawaan nya mau pulang .
pgn cepet2 k rumah , main sesuka hati dan gk peduli apapun .
padahal kontrak ko-k w aja blum siap .
F.C.U.K lahh .
w paling gk suka bnyak tugas dan gk tau mau ngerjain gimana .
shit shit shit !!!
mama pgn pulang .
*ini bukan proses pembelajaran jdi dewasa namanya tpi ini proses pembalikan menjadi anak2 .

pertama2 mama telpon dengan sgla panjang lebarnya dia bercerita .
makin pgn cpt balik , mau minta ini minta itu !!
lalu telpon kedua ada Miss syu terima kasih dah call saye :D .


Selasa, 12 April 2011


Minggu, 10 April 2011

Fenomena ini dapat di lihat di Berlin,Jerman:

p/s; Nak duduk??,kena la bayar....cukup time cepat-cepat la chow...

credit : this


Pintu dua arah

Earphone zip

Gergaji kek

Gunting berpandukan laser

Gunting pizza

Lampu bentuk cawan

Lampu suluh 2 kanta

Payung samurai

Penyangkut baju dinding

Sinki gear

Tabung kaca

Tangga berlaci

Alas kaki dengan jam

Tali pinggang dengan ukuran

Beg Kole

Kerusi lipat

Alas buku

Selipar + tikar

Selipar + Mop


DIET dibawah alam sadar , hahah

tadi lagi iseng buka2 blog ayampenyek :D .
dan i found this one ...
hahah , actually this articles is for me lha .
hahah .
but i want to share to everybody gak lha .
(aku pun x tau bile nak start diet ni) adoiiiii.

Klik Gambar untuk untuk lebih jelas =).

Pertama :-piring berlainan size, isi yang sama banyak, tetapi piring
yang memiliki ruang kosong yang banyak mempengaruhi kita untuk mengisi makanan.

Kedua:-Corak piring dapat menyatakan bahawa piring anda telah penuh diisi makanan.

Ke 3:- Warna memperdayakan daya pemikiran selera makan kita.

Ke 4:- Pilih gelas kurus dan tinggi untuk mengelakkan lebihan air dalam badan.

Ke 5:- Perbuatan bawah alam sadar yang perlu dielakkan.

Ke 6:- Makan dalam suasana persekitaran yang betul.

Ke 7:- Pengaruh rakan sebaya makan / terpengaruh dengan rakan yang menemani.
Pilih rakan makan yang betul.

credit to : THIS